My Blood Type (AB)

"A few drops of your Blood can help a life to bloom."

Because this is my first time doing this.. i quite nervous.. but overall everything is okay.. i love this kind of activities.. what a great experient i gain.. hopefully i will be prepared and have more chance to donate blood..


character had blood group AB can be seen as below:

 1. People with blood type AB have a feeling this is a sensitive, gentle. 

2. They are attentive to other people's feelings and always face other people with care and prudence.

 3. In addition, they are hard to themselves also with those close to him. 

4. They thus tend to seem to have two personalities.

 5. They often become sentimental and think something too deep.

 6. They have many friends, but they need time alone to think about their problems

 7. The person in his body flowing blood type AB have another character from another. If may be called, which is a very special temperament combined character or nature of the blood group A and B.More special, to the extent that his heart is hard to predict, especially the way his mind. If on skin, everyday appearance, for example, is more inclined to a person who has blood type B, such as sociable, always optimistic and hard stance and love to be complimented. But his heart actually does tend to blood group A. Like kind hearted .Futhermore, relented and close friends would often refer to it as a strange man.Exhausted his temperament can change 180 degrees in just so many minutes. For example, being angry, he could suddenly burst out laughing. Likewise, if you're relaxed, for example, could be a sudden he became sad.only people who have blood type AB like lack of confidence. 

 8. People with AB blood type are grouped difficult. They can have characteristics on both ends of the spectrum at the same time. That is, on the one hand they are shy, on the other hand, very open. They easily turn one side to the other. They are trustworthy and responsible, but can not be held responsible if too much is demanded of them. They do not mind helping along in accordance with their terms.

 9. People with this blood type really like art and metaphysics. AB blood type is also regarded as the worst in Japan. They also like to determine their own terms and are entitled abort if it does not match their expectations.They are known to be very sensitive and attentive.


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