
Showing posts from October, 2013


“Kalau ada seseorang yang kau cintai, suruh kau lupakan dia, kau buat apa?” “Doa.” “Doa supaya dia buka hati untuk kau?” “Tak.” “Dah tu?” “Aku akan doa ; Ya Allah temukanlah dia dengan seseorang yang baik akhlak, iman dan taqwanya. Aku mahu dia gembira, Ya Allah walaupun bukan kerana aku. Aku mahu dia dicintai dengan selayaknya tidak seperti mana aku mencintainya, dan aku mahu dia ditemukan dengan seseorang yang melihat dirinya bukan dengan pandangan nafsu manusia dan syaitan, tetapi pandangan dari-Mu, ya Allah.” [be the light, eventhough your own heart is not bright enough] Kalau betul kita sayang pada seseorang, pray for his/her happiness. Doakan dia cepat-cepat kahwin. Bukan doakan yang tak baik seperti minta putus atau apa. Tak elok ketawa atas kesedihan orang lain, kan?

My favourite :D

well, in my leisure time i would like to spend my time by watching those link.. hahahaha.. i love doing indoor activities.. this is some of link that i would like to share.. besides, i always read and buy comics.. well my collection is quite a lot.. :3 this is just some of my  comics collection... :3  anyway.. for novel.. i have all HLOVATE books.. hahaha.. i really love to read all of it..  ~ this is just for sharing my leisure actvities ~

Mechanical engineering

hye!! well for me it quite hard to keep going well and get a good pointer in engineering course.. A lot of effort are needed to make everything goes smooth.. so keep hwaiting bebeh !! :)  seem like in first sem there is only two girls in my class.. right now it has been double..  4 girls .. well i  need to admit that boys really smart.. their brain work faster in the the hard time.. aigooo...     well.. hope everything goes well... i love UNITEN.. M.E forever...