well, first for most.. i'm not sure what should i said.. i feel very bad.. this feeling is killing me.. it hurt me so bad.. i didn't mean to hurt you that way... i'm really sorry... aku x tau cmner nak tunjuk kata aku sayang kau.. mungkin dari gaya aku macam x peduli je.. hakikatnya lain daripada apa yang aku rasa... kadang2 bnda cmni susah nak diluahkan... susah nak ditunjukkan... maafkan aku untuk setiap pekara yang buat kau terluka... aku x bermaksud... seriously, i'm so sorry.. i can't tell you how much mean to me.. my bad.. P/S : maaflah..x dapat nak tulis banyak... air mata lagi laju dari tangan yang menaip... well... this is the first song that i sing for u.. huh??? enjoy.. :: fix you :: This one of part lyrics that makes my tears down faster.. i'm sorry.. i love to hear this song when i feel sad.. sorry.. And the tears come streaming ...